Nicolas de Barquin

“From Making Things to Making Sense:

My journey of turning a passion into a career, and a career into a path of self-discovery”

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Aren’t you tired of being held back by half-baked solutions? Aren’t you pissed at your monkey brain keeping you up at night urging you to take action? But, like in a dream, you’re only able to run in slow motion. This frustration can be a powerful source of curiosity.

Having founded and act as the Chief Innovation Officer of for a decade, I have honed my ability to connect concepts and develop creative solutions to problems.

I believe that a balanced approach is key to unlocking our full potential as human beings, which is why I am constantly exploring both the latest tools and technologies as well as the timeless human principles of self-discovery and growth. I believe that these are the tools who can help us harness the power of a "superpumped" collective human intelligence.

But I cannot do this alone. This is why I am writing here.

I want to connect with a community of like-minded people who share my passion for finding better solutions. By sharing our ideas and organizing our efforts, we can finally take action and overcome the initial inertia of all epic quests. If you're ready to join me on this journey, let's get started together.

Si une chose mérite d’être faite, elle mérite d’être bien faite.

Master autodidact

I'm Nicolas, an European autodidact and maker. This blog is a record of my ideas, analogies and epic quests I feel are important to embark on. It's my way of sharing what I've learned and discovered along my journey, as well as to inspire and connect with others who may be itched by similar topics.

At the core of my journey,

I strive for balance between my work and personal life. My passions motivate me, and curiosity drives me. I can lose myself sometimes, but acknowledging this and keeping them in check, as well as maintaining control, are challenges that are part of my journey.

Projects I’m working on:

Beginnings of great explorations.

Latest posts

test 3 levelUP

des oiseaux et des machines
Comment pouvons-nous maintenir cette curiosité en mouvement et la transformer en une opportunité d'apprentissage continu ?
Template Starter
Use this page as a starting point for learning how to add your own styles to blocks.
40-day Sadhana challenge board
Whether it's meditation, yoga, kriya, or any other habit or routine, our board with 40 hexagon punch-out slots is ideal for tracking progress and achieving goals.
Commencez votre parcours de couture
Apprenez les points et les techniques de base au travers de projets simples pour débuter votre parcours en couture

Latest brain fart

A story for context
when you look to the past for ideas and use modern tech to adapt them, you can come up with new solutions to today's problems.
Tokenizing Learning
The foundations/sponsors contributing initial funds are essentially "buying" the newly minted tokens, which then get circulated to students and eventually back to education service providers who can cash them out for fiat currency.
Cultivating Your Cognitive Wealth
This article will explore the concept of cognitive wealth, why protecting your attention is crucial in building it, and how you can cultivate your own personal vault of intellectual assets.
chakras et diagrammes floraux
je vous invite à explorer l'association entre les chakras et certaines fleurs dans le but de proposer une disposition des participants d'un cours collectif
des oiseaux et des machines
Comment pouvons-nous maintenir cette curiosité en mouvement et la transformer en une opportunité d'apprentissage continu ?
The Egregor Analogy
This document looks at the science of meditation, the power of group energy, and how group meditations can help people and the world. It talks about group meditation and how creating an "egregor" could increase the good effects of meditation, like better mental and physical health, less stress, and more happiness.

J'utilise et pour éditer ce site web. Si vous êtes intéressé par des solutions no-code pour votre propre projet, je vous invite à explorer ces outils en utilisant mon lien d'affiliation. C'est un essai de financement alternatif que j'explore actuellement.
