A learning adventure

As a glider plane soars through the sky, it's able to stay aloft for longer periods of time by taking advantage of thermal updrafts. These thermals lift the glider higher and allow it to fly further than it would be able to otherwise. Similarly, fablabs can provide a supportive environment for people to take their skills and abilities to new heights.

But like a glider plane, individuals must be equipped with the right tools and skills in order to benefit from these opportunities. This is how I see this project helping people develop the wings that will allow them to soar higher and further in their personal and professional lives.


My goal is

to create an inclusive learning experience that is open to a wide range of learners. The focus is on empowering individuals to develop critical thinking, adaptability, and accountability, so they can thrive in a complex and fast-paced world.

We will need to target "free radicals" as our primary contributors. I believe that by working with this highly motivated and self-directed group, we can make a real impact in helping people learn and grow.

To support this learning experience, I propose a number of strategies and approaches that are flexible, adaptable, and responsive to learners' needs. These strategies include:

  • Onboarding: We will start by introducing learners to the learning experience and helping them to comprehend the program's goals and objectives. This will involve giving learners a concise overview of what they can expect to learn, and aiding them in setting their own learning goals and objectives.
  • Initiation: During the initiation phase, learners will start to acquire the fundamentals of the skills and knowledge that are essential to the learning experience. This will involve providing learners with the necessary tools and resources to succeed, and assisting them to comprehend the core principles and concepts that are critical to the learning experience.
  • Scaffolding: Once learners have acquired the fundamentals, they will progress to the scaffolding phase. Here, they will have the chance to practice their skills and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. This phase will include a variety of activities and challenges that are engaging, rewarding, and tailored to the learners' needs and interests.
  • End game: The ultimate aim is to recognize that life is an “infinite game”*, with the goal of continually learning and developing. I believe that by helping learners understand this concept, we can promote a sense of lifelong learning and motivate them to take on the challenges and opportunities that come with it.

To improve this learning experience, I suggest using artificial intelligence to adapt to the learner's needs and to provide personalized, real-time feedback and assessment. I believe AI can offer a more personalized and responsive learning experience, helping learners reach their goals more efficiently.

I suggest using tools to recognize and verify learning and achievements, such as certifications, badges, and other forms of motivation and proof of knowledge and value. Giving learners the chance to display their skills and accomplishments can help them build confidence, motivation, and a sense of achievement.

Then by tokenizing learning, we could create a system that provides incentives for learners to pursue their educational goals and access non-formal education opportunities outside of the traditional school system. This system could also provide a new way to finance non-formal education and create opportunities for learners who may not have had access to these resources otherwise.

Finally, to further encourage and diversify the learning experience, I propose the development of an international residency program and to build bridges within the European network. This program will give learners the opportunity to learn and grow alongside people from different cultural backgrounds, and to share their skills and knowledge with a global community. By taking part in this program, learners will have the chance to take their learning to the next level and make a positive, lasting impact on the world.

*Free Radicals

We are deeply involved in multiple projects at the same time, running experiments, creating and optimizing. We celebrate our failures as opportunities to learn and correct our course. Our goal is to succeed with the best ideas and execution, and to do our best work for our clients and ourselves. We are aware that in the 21st century, we create not just for ourselves or for external validation, but to make a meaningful impact in the world.

We challenge norms and reject the status quo. We don't tolerate bureaucracy, old networks, or outdated practices. Instead, we use innovative work practices, open-source technology, APIs, and the collective knowledge of the Internet to overcome challenges.

We're motivated rather than threatened by competitors, so we often choose transparency over privacy. We share our creations, feedback, and encouragement with our peers, building a reputation as honest and action-oriented individuals, and opening up new opportunities to do what we love and make a great living.

*An infinite game

is a game with no predetermined end, in which the players are continually seeking to outdo one another. The concept of infinite games was introduced by author and speaker Simon Sinek in his book "The Infinite Game." According to Sinek, infinite games are characterized by a commitment to continual improvement, innovation, and an unending pursuit of progress. In contrast, finite games are those that have a clear beginning, middle, and end, and the objective is to win or come out ahead of the other players. In finite games, the players are focused on their own goals and outcomes, whereas in infinite games, the players are more concerned with the overall health and well-being of the game itself.