Media Recs

What I'm reading and watching. You can also use super:so url property in Notion to attach an affiliate link to the piece of media

Use this for easy navigation to main pages. This is hidden on your site
Media Recs Instructions. This is hidden on your site
  • Media Recs are served from the CONTENT DATABASE, based on a few properties:
    1. Type: Media
    2. Status: Live
    3. Title: Put the title of the piece of media
    4. Excerpt: A 1-2 sentence summary of what it is and what you liked.
    5. (Optional) super:Link URL property - use this Notion property to attach an affiliate link (or link) to the content. You can comment out "pointer events" in the CSS options in the CSS tab so it looks like the below:
    6. /* Enable pointer-events to generate affliate links using super:so Link property in Notion */ 
      [id*="media-recs"] .notion-collection-card {
      /* pointer-events: none !important; */
          cursor: default !important;
    7. If you enable pointer-events and DO NOT have a link in the super:so url field, Super/Notion will open a blank page for the Media Recommendation. You can use that to summarize or provide your thoughts on the content. Note the below Media Recommendation gallery's photo is from the Post Content NOT the Post Cover.


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